Rising Early To Meet With God

Published by Admin on

There are many verses and passages that tell us to WAKE EARLY and spend time with our Creator. Some people say it doesn’t matter when to spend time with God, but the Bible says otherwise:

Psalm 108:2-3 – I myself will awake early. I will praise Thee, O Lord.

Psalm 5:3 – My voice shalt thou hear in the morning, O Lord; in the morning will I direct my prayer.

Mark 1:35 – And in the morning, rising up a great while before day, he went out, and departed into a solitary place, and there prayed.

This is the example we are given. Christ Himself did this when He was on earth. How much more should we? We need our marching orders every morning. We need to be infused again with His wisdom and power to get through the day. Praying is a humbling experience. Worship, praising God, reminds us who we are compared to HIs glory. If we are filled with pride, we have likely not spent much time with the Lord in prayer recently. My mentor said that he suggests spending no less than an hour each morning in prayer alone. At first I couldn’t imagine praying for a whole hour. I would struggle to just pray for fifteen minutes in the past. When one starts with praising and worshiping the Creator and getting his perspective right, it is easy to pray for an hour or more. We should also intercede for others and ourselves. But for me, the most life-changing part of prayer has been worship. It reshapes my thinking and I am filled again with a reverence and love for my Creator the whole day long. It affects my meditations.

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